Abrepo SDA Church is gearing up for a return to in-person Church Services now that we are fully prepared to meet the regulations by the Government and after weeks that the President has lifted stay-at-home orders that had been in place to limit the spread of COVID-19.
While the church leaders say public services will resume on 1st August 2020, they will follow social-distancing guidelines and won’t hold other church activities.
According to the Church Board:
• There will be two one-hour services at 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m., that is we will have two services; we will have
First Service at 10:00 a.m.
Second Service at 11:30 a.m.
• Sabbath services are the only
in-person gatherings the church will allow for the time being. We’re not doing Youth/Children classes or other groups at church.
• We will follow all directives for safety, sanitation, health and governmental recommendations for social distancing.
• All of our seats will be numbered and set 6 feet apart; everyone must stay 6 feet from one another and families that come together may sit together
• With the social-distancing regulations, there will be seating for only 100 per service.
• We shall keep a database of worshippers (information such as name, residential address, phone number, seat number, temperature ….etc.) to assist in contact tracing should a Covid-19 case be recorded.
We shall do our outmost best to bring you photos and videos of the arrangement details as it may appear during Church service by Wednesday God willing
God bless us all
Thank you
Communication Department
SDA Church, Abrepo